1974-75 Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in Münster with Visiting Prof. Lothar Baumgarten 1976 – 82 Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg, Germany with Prof. Franz Erhard Walther and Prof. Stanley Brouwn
Solo exhibitions (s) / group exhibitions (g)
“Szilvashi Circles” , retrospective of Tiberiy Szilvashi presents as part of the exhibition project, KNO (Kyiv Non Objective), co-founded by Tiberiy Szilvashi, The Ukrainian Museum of Contemporary Art / UMCA, Kyiv, UA g
This is the Future of Non-Objective Art, Atlantic Gallery, 548West 28th Street,New York, NY10001,USA g
META January 15-March15,2024, Alfa Gallery MIAMI NEW YORK, online exhibition, USA g OPEN CRATE Group Exhibition,15 April-15 May 2024, Alfa Gallery, MIAMI NEW YORK, USA This is the Future of Non-Objective Art, FalconX,521 Fifth Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 101759174069415 USA g SEE Group Show, Alfa Gallery MIAMI New York online exhibition USA g
Linien und Lichtlinien im Raum, Verein für aktuelle Kunst Ruhrgebiet, Oberhausen, DE, s splitting the square, Abstract Project,5 rue des Immeubles industriels, Paris, FR g
Hors les Murs, EST/OUEST Rogatka Gallery, Radom, POL g
7th Biennale internationale of Non Objective Art – Athens Satellite Exhibition, 25 Andrea Metaxa, Exarcheia, 106 81 Athens, Greece g
Miami Art Week 2023, December 6 – December 31, 2023, presented by Alfa Gallery / Artsy Miami / New York, USA
Salon des Realites Nouvelles 2023, Paris, Fr, g
Confluence of Lines, Exhibition of The Drawing collective, Galerie Abstract Project, Paris, F g
Friends of Barbara Halnan, Abstract Project,5 rue des Immeubles industriels, Paris, FR g Wahida Azhari – Olena Dombrowska, Installations – Constellations, Abstract Project,5 rue des Immeubles industriels, Paris,FR s
TDOA, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik, Hamburg, DE s
Offene Ateliers, Berufsverband bildender Künstler*innen, Hamburg, DE s
White Circle Project, Saturation Point, London, GB
Amis des Salon des Realites Paris, Galerie Gimpel et Müller, Paris g
Salon des Realites Nouvelles 2022, Paris,Fr, g
Wahida Azhari, Edgar Diehl, Detlef Funder, Verein für aktuelle Kunst Ruhrgebiet,Oberhausen Offene Ateliers, Berufsverband bildender Künstler* innen, Hamburg DE 3, virtual exhibition, the drawing collective, g
Gerade zu schräg, Frise Künstlerhaus, Hamburg, DE g
Salon des Realites Nouvelles 2019, Parc Floral de Paris, Paris, FR g
Form, Farbe und ein knackiger Titel Künstlerhaus Frise, Hamburg, g
Coterie To Coterie, #01 Biennale of International Reduktive and Non Objective Art Sydney The Stores Building Nth Parramatta, Sydney AU g
Salon Realites Nouvelles 2019, Paris, FR g
// hapTI[C]K // xpon-art Gallery Repsoldstr.45 Hamburg, DE g
Be Absolutely Concrete-Drawing Worlds – Welten Zeichnen,hase29,Osnabrück,DE g
The World of Icons, ILKO Gallery, Uzhhorod City, UA g
The World of Icons, Dziga Gallery, Lviv, vul. Virmensʹka, 35 UA g
The World of Icons, Voloshyn Gallery Kyiv, 13 Tereshchenkivska Str. UA g Drawing Now! The Drawing Collective, ICA MECA Portland Maine, USA
KNO Kyiv Non Objective, ICONS/W13, Bulgakow Museum, Kiew, UA g
Sacred Silence, KNO Kyiv Non Objective, Bulgakow Museum, Kiew, UA g
Black Box Boeckercontemporary, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Saarbrücken, DE g TDOA + special guest Dima Hunzelweg, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik, Hamburg, DE s RNOP-Cincinnati- New Work for a New System;Smith and Co. Cincinnati, OH, USA g RNOP Queensland-End of the Beginning, University of Southern Queensland, AU g Himmel Hölle Nichts, Fabrik der Künste, Kreuzbrook 12, Hamburg DE g
Manic Episode 6 Sacramento, The Urban Hive, 1601 Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento Ca USA
2018 Curator of Himmel Hölle Nichts? Fabrik der Künste, Kreuzbrook 12, Hamburg, DE g Art project in co-operation with Ilka Vogler (co-curator) and in collaboration with professors of the Akademie der Weltreligionen, Hamburg (Academy of World Religions, Hamburg), and representatives of different religious communities, Dr. Marita to Berens Yurk, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Museum of Arts and Crafts) and others and Hamburg artists of different religions and cultural backgrounds (Maria Fisahn, Jakob Blumas, Dorothea Fischer, Antje Schönau, Marianne Greve, Lahsen Azougaye, Jutta,Konjer, John Günther, Petra von Langsdorf, Ilka Vogler, Wahida Azhari)
Curator of Edges to emptiness – Kanten zur Leerheit, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik,Hamburg DE 8./9. November – International exhibition in my studio, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik Hamburg
Curator of MANIAC, manic episode 3, – International exhibition in my studio, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik Hamburg, DE, International art project with 34 artists from the USA, France, Bosnia, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey
Curator of MANIAC, manic episode 3, dito, Rathaus Hamburg, SPD Fraktion,DE
Wahida Azhari „Linien – Lichtlinien im Raum“ ISBN 978-3-87468-503-0, Verlag Karl Maria Laufen, Oberhausen 2023
abstractions+ realites nouvelles 2022 ISSN-2-493521-02-6
The Essence of Relatedness, Wahida Azhari ISBN 978-3-948127-17-6 Hyperzine Verlag Hamburg
Wahida Azhari, Edgar Diehl, Detlef Funder ISBN 978-3-87468-458-3,Verlag Karl Maria Laufen, Oberhausen 2021
constellations, by Wahida Azhari 2017
Variable elements, by Wahida Azhari, 2016
Circle, Line and color in space, Abstract Project Paris 2017
The Drawing Collective International art project, Galerie Oliver Nouvellet, Paris 2017
The Drawing Collective International art project, Articulate Upstairs, Sydney 2017
The Drawing Collective International art project, Abstract Project Paris 2016
Maniac Visits Groningen, Manic Episode 4, Gronigen 2013
2015 art absolument, Numero Special, 55 Artistes talents a Decouvrier
2015 CARREMENT2, 12 – 25 avril 2015 ESPACE CHRISTIANE PEUGEOT, 62 avenue de la Grande Armee 75017 Paris
2017 Salon de Realites Nouvelles 2015 Paris ISSN
2016 Salon de Realites Nouvelles 2015 Paris ISSN
2015 Salon de Realites Nouvelles 2015 Paris ISSN
2014 Salon de Realites Nouvelles 2014 Paris ISSN 1961-7704
2013 Salon de Realites Nouvelles 2013 Paris ISSN 1061-7704
2013 Pourquoi pas…Why not ….2e Biennale internationale d‘art non objectif de da la ville de Pont de Claix, 9 septembre/8 novembre 2013
2012 une question de fait – a matter of fact, Le Hang‘Art Gallery 38000 Grenoble, France 2011 MANIAC – MANIC EPISODE 2, by Jeanne Criscolla, Calameo :!“
Cedra Kiew, Cedra
Galerie Hyle
Erikastr. 47, 20251 Hamburg · Do. & Fr. 15 – 18 Uhr, Sa 11 – 14 Uhr ·